Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Stuck in the middle of nowhere with no internet or phone reception:

I am bored and frustrated, Sir!
I have resorted to writing about things for my much neglected blog, and composing lists of things I need to buy (without a single thought for my budget) just for something to do. I have read five books since I arrived four days ago in my dad’s house, and have lost all patience with even my beloved Terry Pratchett.
And I’m allergic to their cat. (I fucking LOVE cats, too. I have to physically stop myself from grabbing her andsnuggling myself to literal death, allergy medication or no)
I even miss tumblr. I only made one the day before I left my nana’s house and I was up until like four in the morning finding some beautiful people to follow. I miss the people who’s blogs I follow and my friends and my stupid fucking foster parents. Had to go visit your mum in Hungary didn’t you Aniko, with me on study leave as well.
Tangent: why’s it called study leave if you’ve finished all of your exams and aren’t coming back but everyone younger than you is still in school? Which reminds me, I need to finish applying for college.
Sigh, so I’ve got some posts written up. All 'bout steampunk and makeup and lolita and shit. They’ll pop up on your blogrolls about twice a week, as I’m sure you’re not used to seeing me there and I don’t wanna shock you. Some are a little rantish, some are celebrating my favourite things. Some may even have videos, if I can figure out how to do that.
Boredly yours,